FADE TO WHITE                Stephen Walters   /  Sean Alward   /  Scott Bowering

February 23 2017

I wanted to make out of Impressionism something solid and lasting like the art of the museums.”

“If you want to radiation poison a nation, just start shipping them cheap ionizing smoke detectors for the home with a little too much radiation in them.”
-Steven Magee

The world of the very small writes us into existence.  After that we’re forever getting exchanged with the things around us.  Barriers disappear, as one becomes another.

Some feel we’ve entered a high watermark time for inter-penetrative molecular paranoia.  People are freaked out by the permeability of the body.  A friend of mine has this fear.  He longs for the total vacuum of space, though even there I suspect he’ll find things to intermingle with: dust, wind, loose atoms.

I hear about it all the time.  Folks talk about the off-gassing of plastic food containers, opting instead for glass.  Radioactivity is, of course, a thing too.    I even read somewhere that each of us contain the molecules of past lovers.  And of our ancestors too.  Bananas, seemingly benign, are like sponges for pesticides I’m told. 

But back to air born sharing.  Materials do this all the time.  That’s because photons are the great gift-givers, unbuttoning particles as they bathe the world in light.  So I guess we’re getting more than we bargained for in a way.  

 To me it all seems so generous, to be erased by light.

© Steven Hubert 2017